

Deviation Actions

troymanax's avatar

Literature Text

Chapter 1: A New Hope

My chance to escape came not long after the Second Battle of Korriban began, the last battle in the Great Hyperspace War, when I disobeyed orders and instead of flying my small starship into the enemy, flew away towards the Outer Rim planets. I was running not only for freedom and a chance to be a Jedi, but for my life.
A Koros starfighter followed me past the fleet that surrounded our lonely planet. I did all that I could, but the Koros knocked out my power and I hurled through space.
* * *

I woke up in my ship.
“How are you?”
I spin around and standing there is a Twi’lek. “I am fine,” I say, barely able to make a reply. She is stunningly beautiful, her Sekiy dangle at half a meter long, her satin skin shining violet in the glimmer of the lights. “Dhasias…”
She lifts an eyebrow and replies, “Sure, I am certain you had that all under control. What is a Sith like you doing so far from Korriban?” Her voice is so sweet and soft.
“What do you mean? Wh-where am I?” I stammer.
“The Taldot sector, a fair distance from Korriban. Makes one wonder why, you know, with the War going on and all.”
Twi’lek usually don’t take sides on conflict, still I really do not want to unload myself to this alien stranger, however beautiful she is, but what popped out is “My name is Kaiefas Sesie. I am on my way to Coruscant to see the Grand Master and become a Jedi.” I said too much.
“My name is Aral’idorturo, you may call me Sienn. I am en route to Lantillies with goods.” She said as she began to come closer to me. “J’us aras nenx lauke zo dolega,” she whispers into my ear. I am breathing hard as she begins to stroll away.
Before she leaves the corridor, she spins around, cape twirling, and says “Your ship is destroyed. You have no choice but to come with me.” Then she turns again and leaves me. She said that in a tone of authority that caught me by surprise, but not as much as what had just happened: she spoke in my tongue.
Wait… My ship! I then look around me and realize that I am on her starship, not mine. I trail after her, and soon find her in the cockpit. I take two steps in and stop.
“Where is my ship?”
“I had to leave it, it was destroyed and I cannot carry it in my modest freight.” She turns around from her pilot’s seat. A smile is on her face that made the Prisma Storms on Yavin 4 pale in comparison. “I need your help, Kaiefas. Are you willing?”
How could I not be willing? I nod.
“I have a secret shipment that needs to be delivered as soon as we arrive on Lantilles, but at the same time there is a secret shipment arriving for me to transport. Will you deliver them for me?”
“You’re a…smuggler?” I ask, unsurprisingly, surprised. This Sekrys seems to be full of surprises.
“Yes, and you are a rebel Sith. I believe we are even,” she replies. “But before you go, we should make sure you aren’t obviously Sith.” She gets up and walks around me, a discerning look on her face. She then grabs my arm and I follow her to a dark room where the door shuts behind us. A light comes on. Dazek Taral, I hate darkness.
“Sis izoliuo tikurzi tu darytis hevilas, Kaiefas. Here you will begin your act as Omar Duran.” With that, she begins undressing me. She takes my Sith uniform and tosses it aside, giving me Lantillian clothing, then she stepps back and waits for me to put them on.
“Go ahead, you need to get used to a new identity if you are going to survive. The galaxy is no place for the weak.” As I put on the form-fitting clothing, again surprised that they fit quite perfectly, she begins to ask me questions so as to determine who I now am.
“What is your name?”
“I am Omar Duran.”
“Where are you from?”
“I am of Sith descent, but was born on… where should I be born?”
“Coruscant. What do you do?”
“I am a trader, my partner is Sienn Ruti’an.”
As we went on, I became more confident I could be Omar Duran.
“Kaiefas, what languages do you speak?”
“I speak Basic and Sith.”
“Not a bad place to start, but that is still not good enough. You will need to learn more, much more. I am capable of speaking 14 languages, and in my trade, you need at least that. I’ll have you on Twi’leki by tomorrow night, and Mon Calamarian the day after. You will soon find that we deal with many different species.”
That evening we land on Lantilles.
* * *

“Smugglers will often use the cover of darkness to trade, but never in the dead of night when it would be expected.” Sienn says as we are preparing to unload. “You see there, the Rodian with two Wookies? That is who our delivery is for.”
“What is it that I am delivering?”
She looks at me with a blank glare, “We only carry the goods, we do not look unless we must; if they do not pay, or we must ditch it to avoid arrest.” She smirks and adds, “A smuggler’s proverb, ‘Never play a game a sabacc unless you are prepared to lose.’”
The Rodian goes by Dren, but Sienn told me that most people in her line of business use false identification. The shipment isn’t too large, but it is still difficult to get to its destination. By the time I get back, Sienn has already loaded our new cargo and light began peeking through the tall buildings throughout the city. It is dawn.
I climb onboard and we leave Lantillies behind us.

Language Index-
Sekiy – Lekku
Dhasias – Beautiful
Kaiefas Sesie – Someone Lost
J’us aras nenx lauke zo dolega – You are not without a friend
Sekrys – Twi’lek
Dazek Taral – Thank he who protects
Sis izoliuo tikurzi tu darytis hevilas – This is where you become different

Sienn – Maiden
Sienn Ruti’ayy – Maiden Blue Star
Frotz – Twi’leki swear
This story takes place during the last battle in the Great Hyperspace War, 5,000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), and is focused on a half-blood Sith who really does not like the Dark Side that he was bred for and forsakes his kind for freedom.

The title is still in question, so please feel free to leave your ideas/suggestions in the comments.

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DavideTarabo's avatar
Nice! I always enjoy reading some good Star Wars stories! Keep it up!